Banner Ad Specifications
A banner ad is an ad of no more 468 pixels by 60
pixels (6.97 inches by 0.833 inches, 17.7 cm by 2.12 cm) usually
including a tag line and your company or organization's logo. The
ad will appear at the top of a user's web browser window, the
purpose of the ad is to encourage a viewer to seek more
information about products and services you offer.
We accept images in the GIF, JPEG, and Flash/Shockwave formats only.
For standardization purposes, we do not accept ads
that incorporate Java, video, sound, or any other multimedia format.
We do not accept MAP files.
HR-Guide has voluntarily elected to conform to the
proposed CASIE/IAB Standard advertising image sizes. Banner ads must
be no larger than 468 pixels wide by 60 pixels high. All graphics
must not exceed 15K in size.
Click here for some examples.
Button Ad Specifications
A button ad is an ad of no more 100 pixels by 100 pixels (or 115 pixels by 81 pixels).
The file size of the button ad should not exceed 15K. These
images may include your company or organization's logo or other graphic.
The ad will appear next to your link on our website. The purpose of the
ad is to draw attention to your information and encourage the viewer
to seek more information about products and services you offer.
Click here for some examples.
Text Ad Specifications
Text ads are usually placed in the left margin of a page. It
contains a link with a short description, usually 20 words or less. An
example of a text ad can be viewed on the following page.
Click here for some examples.