Advertising on the Web
More and more consumers are looking for businesses on the Web.
Make sure your business is found by increasing your online reach.
In addition to getting listed in the HR-Guide directory, here is
another valuable way to get your business message in front of more
online professionals.
HR-Guide.com offers several opportunities for
companies to maximize their on-site exposure,
from Banner advertising to a variety of
customizable packages.
We can help you reach thousands
of HR professionals and students.
We can connect you with your most desirable audience
through content specific web pages. If your product is
related to Human Resources, we have a page to suit your needs.
5 Steps to begin advertising at HR-Guide |
Step 1: |
Review the Rate Card
and the Terms and Conditions.
Advertising rates are subject to change without notice.
However, when you print the Advertising Agreement (in Step 3) the agreement will
contain fees that are the same as the rates in effect at the time you view
the Agreement. In other words, the Agreement is developed by software that
uses the rates in effect at the time the software is run.
Step 2: |
Complete the Request Form.
This form will allow you to specify the type and amount of
advertising you wish to use at HR-Guide. The form outlines several
steps that should be completed in order. When you press the
"Request" button on that form, an email message of your request
will be sent to webmaster@hr-guide.com.
If you aren't sure about what the different options mean, feel free to
email us with your questions.
Step 3: |
(Only if you are a media company acting on behalf of a client or if you require insertion orders prior to advertising.) Print and sign the Advertising Agreement.
This step applies only to media companies and companies that require insertion orders.
A written and duly authorized Advertising Agreement is required to
schedule advertising services. The Advertising Agreement includes the
Terms and Conditions as well as rates from the active rate card. You may
generate your Advertising Agreement on-line at HR-Guide. This is done
from the on-line Request Form. Once you have indicated your advertising
options and submitted the form, you may then proceed to Step 5 of the
Request Form which will allow you to view the Advertising Agreement.
If you change advertising options on the Request Form, these changes
will appear on the Advertising Agreement the next time you view the
Agreement on-line. Feel free to make as many changes as you want
until you find the advertising campaign that is best suited for you.
Just printing and viewing the Agreement does not make it effective.
It only becomes effective when signed by both parties.
When you are satisfied with the content of the Agreement,
you should print at least two copies. Sign two copies and send them both
to HR-Guide. We'll sign both and return one back to you for your files.
Each Advertising Agreement contains date sensitive information. Therefore,
the Agreement, once generated, is set to expire within 30 days unless
authorized by you and accepted by HR-Guide. The computer will calculate the
expiration date and print it on the Agreement.
Step 4: |
Send Banner Images to HR-Guide.
You may email the banner images to:
webmaster@hr-guide.com or
let us know of the URL and we'll retrieve it from the web. Once we have
the authorized Agreement and banner ads, we'll send you an invoice (probably
through email).
Step 5: |
Pay the Invoice
Invoices are due upon receipt. If payment is not made within 30 days, we
reserve the right to remove any advertising at our discretion.