Sexual Harassment: Guidelines For A Sexual Harassment Policy
- Appreciate that you and your company can be held liable if your employees engage in sexual harassment
- Know that any unwelcome sexual activity tied to employment decisions or benefits is sexual harassment
- Recognize that sexual harassment may include jokes, vulgar language, sexual innuendoes, pornographic pictures, sexual gestures, physical grabbing or pinching, and other unwelcome or offensive physical touching or contact
- Remember that every sexual harassment charge is extremely serious
- Comprehend that employees who comply with unwelcome sexual advances can still be victims of sexual harassment
- Realize that men as well as woman may be sexually harassed
- Understand that employees may wait a while before lodging sexual harassment charges
- Issue a strong policy from the CEO against sexual harassment
- Provide a clear definition of sexual harassment using examples of inappropriate behavior
- Review the policy with your employees on a regular basis
- Discuss the policy with all new employees
- Ensure that third-party suppliers and customers are aware of your sexual harassment policy
- Appoint a senior corporate official to oversee the implementation of the policy
- Train your supervisors and managers to recognize and prevent sexual harassment
- Outline procedures to use in reporting sexual harassment
- Designate a personnel officer or other appropriate manager, rather than a direct supervisor, to receive sexual harassment complaints
- Provide alternative routes for filing complaints
- Keep all sexual harassment charges confidential
- Make sure employees who bring charges do not face retaliation
- Safeguard the rights of the accused
- Investigate all sexual harassment charges quickly and thoroughly
- Maintain accurate records of the investigation and the findings
- Take immediate action when sexual harassment is discovered or suspected
- Discipline appropriately any employee found to have engaged in sexual harassment
- Safeguard your employees from third-party work-related sexual harassment