Executives anticipate problems, remove barriers, analyze information and consider implications of actions to make a well-informed decision. Executives manage organizational performance by setting appropriate goals and objectives. They ensure that the organization has the appropriate financial resources, technology and human capital to produce quality products and services. Effective managers hold others accountable for their actions and the
decisions they make. They are results-oriented and measure organizational outcomes by relying on a variety of evaluation tools and techniques to measure efficiency and effectiveness.

Business Acumen:Executives justify and defend financial resources, including contractual products/services, to support the accomplishment of organizational goals is
crucial to the FAA. They represent the FAA to ensure appropriate funding and make appropriate resource tradeoffs to achieve FAA long-term objectives. Executives allocate resources, plan procurement, and oversee the management of budgets and contracts to ensure that expenditures support the organization’s plans and objectives.

Problem Solving: Executives take into account
technical, political, operational, financial, public and special interests
before making final decisions. They
assess data from a variety of FAA and external sources to fully understand
issues; and quickly recognize important information and its internal and
external implications. They use
systematic approaches to problem solving to make decisions or resolve complex

Managing Organizational Performance: Executives set organizational goals that are
specific, measurable, achievable, and reflect the overall mission of the
organization. They ensure that everyone
in the organization understands the connection between what they are doing and
the organization’s mission. They effectively address individual performance
issues by identifying appropriate training, coaching or job reassignment

Accountability and
: Executives hold themselves and their staff
accountable for the programs they manage. They ensure that measurement and evaluation techniques are developed and
used to assess the effectiveness of current operations. They seek feedback from external
stakeholders that the organization serves to evaluate performance and make
improvements or enhancements to programs, products, policies and services.

Investing in human capital through recruitment, training,
coaching and mentoring is key to ensuring a well-qualified staff in the
future. Executives are responsible for
creating a positive work environment. They lead by example and display a high level of integrity and honesty
in their interactions with others. They are held accountable for creating teams
of individuals who represent multiple perspectives, treating people with
respect, dealing with conflict and rewarding results.

Developing Talent:Encouraging continuing education, participation on task forces and special projects for themselves and their staff is essential to the mission and
retention of a motivated and skilled workforce. Executives select individuals who have the right skills to successfully perform the job. They consider diversity when making staff selections and pulling together project teams.

Building Teamwork and Cooperation: Optimum results occur when executives ensure that
people work collaboratively to attain common goals. Effective executives identify and remove cross-organizational barriers, encourage an open flow of communications and reward individuals and teams. Executives create an atmosphere of trust and cooperation where people feel comfortable discussing problems, sharing information and seeking out ideas of others.

Building the Model Work Environment: Executives create an environment where people
thrive and accomplish their best results. They are able to manage people in multi-cultural or multi-location work environments. They reward high performance and encourage people to take pride in their work. Executives inspire trust and consistently
treat individuals with dignity and respect. Executives strive to build a workforce that mirrors the nation’s diversity. They do not tolerate discrimination or harassment in the workforce.

Executives maintain rapport with external stakeholders to
stay informed about factors that might impact their organization and the FAA.
They are active listeners and use tact and diplomacy to negotiate and influence
others to accept ideas or decisions. They communicate to all levels within
their organization including employees, other executives and union officials.
An executive builds rapport and gains the respect of others by working and
acting with integrity and honesty.

Communication: Executives communicate openly and honesty. They listen effectively and
clarify information to achieve mutual understanding. They seek and accept feedback, encourage different opinions and foster the exchange of ideas. They
tailor communication to fit their audience and are able to handle emotionally
charged or controversial issues.

Building Alliances: Engaging stakeholders as partners and working to overcome obstacles is paramount. Executives must be able to interact with others outside of the FAA
to gather information, gain support and resolve issues. They realize the importance of networking with others in their profession and they develop new contacts by maintaining
memberships in professional societies and participating in community
activities. They relate easily to all levels of employees and keep up-to-date on the internal environment.

Interpersonal Relations and Influence: Executives persuade others to
respond to organizational needs and to accept decisions that are in the best
interest of the FAA. They serve as
advocates for organizational vision, plans, programs, policies and
procedures. Executives use analytic and
communication skills to convince others to consider different solutions and
influence them to accept change and decisions without losing their future

Integrity and Honesty: FAA executives are truthful in their communications and dealings with
others. They do what they say they will
and avoid over committing themselves or their staff. They admit to their mistakes and do not punish others for telling
the truth. FAA executives will not
compromise the ethical standards of the agency.

Executives must anticipate political, sociological,
technological and other factors that affect the organization and use that
information to effectively lead the organization into the future. Building a
shared vision and creating support for the vision is critical. Developing strategies and inspiring
individuals to work toward milestones keeps the workforce focused on the
goals. Executives support innovation
and creativity by empowering their workforce to accept and resolve challenges.
An executive must be agile and flexible to meet constantly changing, and
sometimes opposing, demands.


Vision: An executive with vision provides the
workforce with a blueprint for the future. Creating a vision requires the ability to assess the organization’s
environment and use that information to forecast what will be important and relevant
in the future. Executives create a
climate and culture where organizational values are shared and accepted by
internal and external stakeholders.

Strategy Formulation: Executives build long-range plans to integrate organizational goals with the FAA
strategic plan. They identify critical objectives, timeframes and resources to
support the overall FAA mission. When
developing strategy, executives must achieve balance between the demands of
multiple stakeholders and the need to ensure a quality product and efficient
service delivery. They anticipate
trends and future changes that represent threats or opportunities and determine
an appropriate course of action.

Agility: Executives promote flexibility and
adaptability in the workforce. They
accept the opinions of others and are able to make changes consistent with new
information. Executives are able to
cope with complex situations, work effectively under pressure and recover
quickly from setbacks. They must be
able to move quickly between topics, issues or priorities in response to a
rapidly changing environment. Effective
executives demonstrate to others that setbacks are a source of important
learning and can lead to improvements in processes and future organization

Innovation: Designing, creating and improving technical
and business processes is a vital part of leading strategic change. Executives
encourage their staff to identify and implement technological innovations to
support and enhance program operations. Innovative executives champion the creative thinking of others,
encourage them to express their opinions, provide tools to help create cutting
edge solutions and reward people for their creative contributions.

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